Is there any function to parse the IPV6 ips

We are using MemSQL v7.0. Do you have any function to parse IPV6 ips like INET_ATON function.

Is there any mechanism to parse IPV6 ips in Memsql V 7.0?

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I am waiting for your response. Please provide your response as soon as possible.

INET6_ATON and INET6_NTOA are planned for our next release, 7.1. If you need something before that, you could probably write them as UDFs.

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is it support short hand notation for ipv6 in 7.1?

I’m not sure I understand your question. There is no NET_ATON function. Can you elaborate?

Hi Hanson,
Let me rephrase the question in a different way.

As you might be aware there is a short form for IPv6. Does 7.1 support both long and short form?


Hi Hanson,
Can you respond on the below query? Awaiting reply.

Yes, it handles both short and long form of ipv6 addresses. Check out a video at New Programmability Functions in SingleStore 7.1 - YouTube starting about 4 minutes in.