Singlestore incremental Backup on NAS

Hi All,
I was trying to take incremental backup on NAS storage. But I am getting below error while running backup. I cannot give full permission to root directory as ssh passwordless connection will not work if I give any permission greater than 700 to /root dir. Is there any option to explicitly pass working directory to any other directory please?

But just for testing purpose I gave permission to root dir. So permission error has gone but still getting command error.

Singlestore version I am using is 7.3.8 and toolbox version is 1.12.4. Could you please help me on to resolve this issue.

Hi @faijaz1990!
I believe we do not have a way to pass a working directory to the Toolbox, thank you for the request. I think you should be able to configure the working directory in ssh config file on the machine running Toolbox.

The issue with incremental backups in Toolbox on network file systems will be fixed in an upcoming Toolbox release.

Thank you @mshcherbina for the information. May I know when we can expect the next release with this issue fixed?

Hi @faijaz1990,
New toolbox release will be available later today. Depends on your time zone, Iā€™m sure you will have access to it tomorrow.

Thanks @posadcha-ua. I downloaded latest release and backup command is working fine :slight_smile:

Great, thanks for the update!