Backup my DB to local file system in Singlestore K8s operator


Is it possible to take a backup to a local file system using the singlestore k8s operator ?
I am trying to take a backup of my Singlestore k8s cluster which is not running on any cloud environment, and while I have been able to take a successful backup to my s3 bucket using the below command :
BACKUP DATABASE test_schema TO S3 “aws_s3_bucket_location/test_schema.backup”
CONFIG ‘{“region”:“aws-region-1”}’
CREDENTIALS ‘{“aws_access_key_id”:“xxxx”,“aws_secret_access_key”:“yyyy”}’;
and the portal : Backups · SingleStore Documentation also recommends taking s3 backups only.

I wanted to know if it possible to take a local file system backup of the same ?
I tried taking one manually, but getting the below error :

Is it possible to not use the s3 bucket for taking and restoring backups on my singlestore k8s cluster ?
Thanks in advance!!!

Hi Sethu,

Thank you for reaching out to SingleStore Forums.

Please note the local file system terminology is not the same when we are using it in the Kubernetes environment vs the normal server (VM).

We don’t support the backups on K8s to the local file system.