Convert from MySQL to MemSQL


I am currently using a MySQL database and wanting to use MemSQL.

What is the best way in converting the databases and tables (as well as the data stored in the tables) from MySQL over to the MemSQL? I plan to run MemSQL on my own server.

Any ideas on what I need to do to convert it over ?

Here’s some training on how to create your MemSQL (now SingleStore DB) schema:

But to summarize, you can mostly use the same CREATE TABLE statements from your MySQL app. But if the tables are going to be large (bigger than available RAM) or you want super-fact analytical queries, use columnstores on those tables.

For columnstores, pick a sort key on the thing that you filter on with range filters the most, e.g. a datetime column.

For fast row lookups, pick a shard key on what you filter on, e.g. if you do

select * from t where t.x = constant

very frequently, then shard it on t.x. There are some other considerations for shard key choice, e.g. you main want to shard two large tables you join often on the join columns.

See this too: