Create cluster nodes concurrently using sdb-toolbox FAILS

Hi All,

I’ve build an automation to deploy SingleStore clsuter on 2 steps
1 - create nodes
2 - add nodes to cluster
the automation is event driven, and creating nodes is done concurrently however this is causing a trouble, in the logs it shows that the node is registered and server installed but then when I run create-node I get the following error “no host found with hostname”

also when I run list-nodes command I can’t see the node

Does toolbox support concurrent deployment?, or why this is happening



It seems you’re encountering a common issue when attempting to deploy SingleStore cluster nodes concurrently. The error message “no host found with hostname” typically indicates that the create-node command is unable to recognize the host, even though it’s registered and the server is installed.

This could be due to a few reasons:

DNS Propagation Delay: If DNS is used to resolve hostnames, there might be a delay in propagation.

Host Registration: The host might not be properly registered in the SingleStore cluster configuration.

Concurrent Execution: Concurrent node creation might be causing a race condition where the create-node command is executed before the node registration process is fully completed.

As for your question about the toolbox’s support for concurrent deployment, the SingleStore documentation does not explicitly state whether concurrent deployment is supported or not. However, based on the information from the SingleStore forums, it appears that other users have encountered similar issues when trying to deploy nodes concurrently.

To address this issue, you might want to consider the following steps:

Sequential Deployment: Try creating nodes sequentially rather than concurrently to see if the issue persists.

Host Verification: Ensure that each host is properly registered and recognized by the toolbox before proceeding to create nodes.

Logs and Debugging: Check the SingleStore and sdb-toolbox logs for any additional information that might help diagnose the issue.

I hope the information may helps you.