Hey folks,
I’ve been working on a deployment script both for internal use, and as a public project to help folks installing SingleStore.
Currently I’ve gone through the setup of installing it through the UI, but I’d like to automate that. Right now I only use 1 master aggregator and 1 leaf, what commands would need to be ran to install it locally instead?
For starters I’d recommend you go through the toolbox documentation: SingleStore Toolbox · SingleStore Documentation
Everything that the UI can do, can also be done via the CLI.
There are two main ways you can use toolbox btw: one is via the imperative commands, where you setup one thing at a time; another is declarative where you can describe the entire cluster, either on the CLI, or via a configuration file, e.g. yaml: setup-cluster · SingleStore Documentation
Alternatively, you could also look into the cluster-in-a-box image or kubernetes deployment.
For a single agg+leaf on a single host, the easiest setup is definitely via the cluster-in-a-box or singlestoredb-dev docker images: GitHub - singlestore-labs/singlestoredb-dev-image: The SingleStoreDB Dev Container is the fastest way to develop with SingleStore on your laptop or in a CI/CD environment. / Spin Up a SingleStore Cluster on Docker Desktop in 10 Minutes - these are more focused on development, and it’s not as easy to expand in the future, but depending on your use case, these might be sufficient.
Happy to answer any followups you may have!
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Hey @rodrigo,
Thanks for the informative post, I’ve managed to set it up using sdb-deploy setup-cluster
with a yaml file.
My only question now, when I go to the UI/Studio page (http://<ip>:8080
), I’m asked to enter the cluster details. Is there a command that can be run via CLI to automatically add this to the page?
I’m building a deployment script and it would be great if it automatically added this.
Thanks a ton 
Hey folks, just bumping if its possible to automatically add the cluster to the UI via command?