Dynamically load S3 config, credentials & outfile


We have a requirement where we have to do large data exports to S3 and need the app (calling the stored proc) to be able to control the file name & location.

Below stored procedure for reference.
From what I understand, the out_file cannot be a variable. And I am left with the only option of dynamic SQL. Is anyone able to confirm this? Did I miss something?

delimiter //
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE my_proc (out_file VARCHAR(255), conditions...)
    Examples: CALL my_proc ('bucket/target', conditions...);
        SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE <conditions>
        INTO S3 out_file 
        CONFIG '<redacted>' CREDENTIALS '<redacted>';
END //
delimiter ;

Thanks in advance!

Same question applies to the S3 Config & Credentials as well. Can those be loaded from variables?

I think that didn’t used to work. But I just tried this on an internal 7.3 build and it worked:

    delimiter //
    create procedure p() as 
    declare fn varchar(80) = '/tmp/t.csv';
      select a from t into outfile fn;
    end //
    delimiter ;

I don’t know what release added that capability. I’ll ask someone else to comment.

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I was able to repro the issue. It seems we don’t have test coverage for this case. We’ve filed a task to resolve the issue :slight_smile:

Haha I guess dynamic sql is the way to go right now… I’ll make a note on the task to double check on CONFIG and CREDENTIALS also.

Thank you for the quick verification. To clarify, we are on version 7.1.13. Please keep us posted on this. For now, I shall look into dynamic sql.