FLUSH TABLES & Studio (SQL Editor vs Console)


I have two questions.

First, I want to know the session that runs FLUSH TABLES queries.
I know that the UNLOCK TABLES query must be run in the same connection as the FLUSH TABLES query for this feature to take effect. But, I want to know how to check and release the locked session in another session.
I could only know the following method.

session 1.
flush tables with lock;
select connection_id():

session 2.
show processlist;
kill connection (id);

Second,I want to know the difference between SQL Editor and Console in the studio.
For example,

Select connection_id();

SQL Editor showed connection_id, but Console showed Empty set.

I want to know about the document and mechanism related to the above.


Yes, KILL CONNECTION is the only way to release the tables lock from another connection.

I will find someone to follow up on your question about studio.


There should be no differences between Console and SQL editor results since the connection logic is exactly the same. Each of them uses a different persisting connection. The only difference lives in the way we store the SQL results and in the way we show them.
Regarding the empty result on the console, it is not expected for that query, it should be the same as the editor. Thanks for reporting, this will be fixed in the next Studio release
