Handle Master aggregator failure in a cluster without Child aggregator

Let’s say I a have a cluster with 3 node, 1MA, 2 Leaves and accidentally the MA goes offline (can’t recover). what should we do in this case

  • does creating a new cluster and adding the leaves the correct step?
  • does this affect the data stored on leaves


Hi, If you happen to encounter a situation where your MA goes offline and you are unable to recover it, the recommended step is to promote one of the leaf nodes to be the new MA.

To do this, you can refer to the documentation provided in this link: PROMOTE AGGREGATOR … TO MASTER · SingleStore Documentation. It’s essential to have an MA to carry out various operations, such as cluster balance, among others. However, if an MA is offline, it will not affect any data stored on the leaves.

The documentation states that the node should be already be a child aggregator to be able to promote it to a master aggregator, and I can’t find anything related to setting a leaf to a child aggregator in documentation

I apologize for my typo. I meant to say “to promote one of the child aggregator to be the new MA”. Thank You.

Only to chime in Aggregator Set As Master if the master is truly never coming back vs. promote to master if the issue with the master might be transient.