How can I check a pending rebalance is really running?

Tried to do an upgrade today, but it aborted the attempt (before doing anything) due to pending rebalance activity.

EXPLAIN REBALANCE ALL DATABASES; confirms there are pending actions; however the list has not changed in the past 30 minutes – how can I confirm rebalances really are running and this isn’t bad data in information_schema ?

SHOW REBALANCE STATUS shows nothing in progress
(I’m raising this as a support issue)

EXPLAIN REBALANCE ALL DATABASES will provide you with the exact steps that the rebalance activity will be performing on the cluster. However, this does not start the rebalance process.

To start the rebalance, remove the EXPLAIN part from the above command and run it → REBALANCE ALL DATABASES. You can then check the status of the running rebalances using SHOW REBALANCE STATUS