Insert Ignore into table takes a long time


It takes more than 2 min to insert 200k rows from the query below.
When it’s less than 100k rows, it’s much faster.

Insert Ignore into table   (col1, col2, col3 .. col8

Select col1, col2, col3 .. col8
FROM another table  
where TStampInserted between v_start_epoc AND v_epoc_now
AND TStampTraded <= (v_epoc_now - epoc_engine)

How long exactly, and how many rows exactly?

Did the PROFILE query plan look different in each case?

How big was the source table?

Hi @hanson ,

Thank you for looking into this.
I’m trying to merge data from different period into a single table. The destination table (SpotTrade_TS_History) has data being inserted into every 5 min. The source table i’m getting data from has 945,130,366 rows. As you can see below i’m controlling number of rows based on time ranges.
I had done some test on SpotTrade_TS_History table which is supposed to be the final destination table and it was struggling with 200k inserts. So i decided to create a separate table SpotTrade_TS_2021_10 (with no data in it) and insert into it. As you can see it takes 10 min to insert 75,500,543 rows.

We’re using a S4.

Insert ignore into SpotTrade_TS_2021_10 (ExchangeTradeId ,  TokenId ,  Price ,  Size ,  Pair ,  Side ,  ExchangeId ,TStampTraded,TSTradeDate,TStampEdited,TStampInserted) Select ExchangeTradeId ,  TokenId ,  Price ,  Size ,  Pair ,  Side ,  ExchangeId ,TStampTraded ,from_unixtime(TStampTraded) as TSTradeDate,TStampEdited ,TStampInserted FROM SpotTrade_Archive_202110 where TStampTraded >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_format(date_add('2021-10-01 10:00:00', interval 13 day), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')) and TStampTraded < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_format(date_add('2021-10-01 10:00:00', interval 13+1 day), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))

Query OK, 59321011 rows affected (10 min 59.56 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

11/21 21:52:34 Import day
11/21 21:52:34 Starting import day
Insert ignore into SpotTrade_TS_2021_10 (ExchangeTradeId ,  TokenId ,  Price ,  Size ,  Pair ,  Side ,  ExchangeId ,TStampTraded,TSTradeDate,TStampEdited,TStampInserted) Select ExchangeTradeId ,  TokenId ,  Price ,  Size ,  Pair ,  Side ,  ExchangeId ,TStampTraded ,from_unixtime(TStampTraded) as TSTradeDate,TStampEdited ,TStampInserted FROM SpotTrade_Archive_202110 where TStampTraded >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_format(date_add('2021-10-01 10:00:00', interval 14 day), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')) and TStampTraded < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_format(date_add('2021-10-01 10:00:00', interval 14+1 day), '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00'))

Query OK, 75500543 rows affected (9 min 23.41 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

CREATE TABLE SpotTrade_TS_2021_10 (
ExchangeTradeId varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
TokenId int(11) NOT NULL,
Price decimal(20,10) NOT NULL,
Size decimal(20,10) NOT NULL,
Pair varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
Side varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
ExchangeId int(11) NOT NULL,
TStampTraded decimal(25,10) NOT NULL,
TStampEdited decimal(25,10) DEFAULT NULL,
TStampInserted decimal(25,10) NOT NULL,
SHARD KEY idx_SHARDKEY (TokenId,ExchangeId),
KEY idx_TokenId (TokenId) USING HASH,
KEY idx_ExchangeId (ExchangeId) USING HASH,
KEY idx_Price (Price) USING HASH,
KEY idx_Size (Size) USING HASH,
KEY idx_Pair (Pair) USING HASH,
KEY idx_TSTradeDate (TSTradeDate) USING HASH,
UNIQUE KEY TStampTraded_2 (TStampTraded,TokenId,ExchangeId,Pair,Size,Price,ExchangeTradeId) USING HASH

Create Table: CREATE TABLE SpotTrade_Archive_202110 (
ExchangeTradeId varchar(30) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
TokenId int(11) NOT NULL,
Price decimal(20,10) NOT NULL,
Size decimal(20,10) NOT NULL,
Pair varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
Side varchar(15) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,
ExchangeId int(11) NOT NULL,
TStampTraded decimal(25,10) NOT NULL,
TStampEdited decimal(25,10) DEFAULT NULL,
TStampInserted decimal(25,10) NOT NULL,
SHARD KEY idx_SHARDKEY (TStampTraded,TokenId,ExchangeId,Pair,Size,Price,ExchangeTradeId),
KEY idx_TokenId (TokenId) USING HASH,
KEY idx_ExchangeId (ExchangeId) USING HASH

Got it. Looks like you found a solution, then.

Using visual profile in our portal or in Studio is a good way to see differences between query plans, which could help debug situations like this in the future.

Similar to deletes and replace into, with this scheme, “insert ignore” can be two orders of magnitude faster than insertions into a B-tree.

Similar to deletes and replace into, with this scheme, “insert ignore” can be two orders of magnitude faster than insertions into a B-tree.