Memsql Backup to S3


I trying to do a full backup to S3 using below example :-

BACKUP DATABASE testing TO S3 “backup_bucket/backups/6_1_2018”
CONFIG ‘{“region”:“us-east-1”}’
CREDENTIALS ‘{“aws_access_key_id”:“your_access_key_id”,“aws_secret_access_key”:“your_secret_access_key”}’;

But getting this error :-
ERROR 2298 (HY000): Leaf Error ( Failed validation for s3: RequestError: send request failed
caused by: Head dial tcp i/o timeout

memsql version: - 6.8.13
S3 permission :- full access

Any solution to this ?

This is a issue of your leaf being unable to connect to S3. The core error is dial tcp i/o timeout. For backup to s3, all leaves as well as your master aggregator must be able to connect with your remote s3 backup location.
A quick Google search for this “dial tcp i/o timeout” error returns results that suggest checking your firewall and network routing configurations.

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Thank you so much @aqiu yes leaf was not able to access to s3