Memsql-deploy error cluster-in-a-box error could not determine current user

environment is Mint Linux 19

User has sudo privilege

cmd: (LICENSE_KEY replaced with key text)

memsql-deploy cluster-in-a-box --license [YOUR LICENSE KEY]

Would you like to continue? [y/N]: y
✓ Downloaded memsql-server 6.8.13
Installing MemSQL locally…
✘ Failed to install MemSQL 6.8.13 locally from /tmp/memsql-server-deb439743560
Starting rollback
✓ Rollback succeeded
could not determine current user

Partial output of above command with -vvv flag:
2019/11/13 10:13:10 main.go:39 Running command /usr/bin/id -u -n
2019/11/13 10:13:10 main.go:39 Command /usr/bin/id -u -n took 4.97239ms
2019/11/13 10:13:10 main.go:39 Running command /usr/bin/which sudo
2019/11/13 10:13:10 main.go:39 Command /usr/bin/which sudo took 3.454271ms
2019/11/13 10:13:10 main.go:39 Running command /usr/bin/sudo -n -k -l
2019/11/13 10:13:11 main.go:39 Command /usr/bin/sudo -n -k -l took 16.605438ms
Installing MemSQL locally…
2019/11/13 10:13:11 main.go:39 Running command /usr/bin/sudo -S -k -- /bin/sh -c 'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'which' 'memsqlctl'
⠴ Checking system for existing MemSQL packages 2019/11/13 10:13:13 main.go:39 Command /usr/bin/sudo -S -k -- /bin/sh -c 'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'which' 'memsqlctl' failed with exit code 1 in 2.621649569s
2019/11/13 10:13:13 main.go:39 Running command /usr/bin/sudo -S -k -- /bin/sh -c 'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'dpkg-query' '--show' '--showformat' '${Package} ${Version} ${db:Status-Abbrev}\n'
⠧ Checking system for existing MemSQL packages 2019/11/13 10:13:15 main.go:39 Command /usr/bin/sudo -S -k -- /bin/sh -c 'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'dpkg-query' '--show' '--showformat' '${Package} ${Version} ${db:Status-Abbrev}\n' failed with exit code 1 in 2.229097186s
2019/11/13 10:13:15 get_installed_packages.go:23 Error getting installed packages for host error running command: "/usr/bin/sudo" "-S" "-k" "--" "/bin/sh" "-c" "'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'dpkg-query' '--show' '--showformat' '${Package} ${Version} ${db:Status-Abbrev}\\n'": exit status 1
Debug 2019/11/13 10:13:15 get_installed_packages.go:24 Traceback:
exit status 1
error running command: "/usr/bin/sudo" "-S" "-k" "--" "/bin/sh" "-c" "'printf' '19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148' && 'exec' 'dpkg-query' '--show' '--showformat' '${Package} ${Version} ${db:Status-Abbrev}\\n'"

command below (from error report above) returns an error

/usr/bin/sudo -S -k – /bin/sh -c printf 19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148 && exec dpkg-query --show

19cf2139-dbe2-412b-8c63-085fc10b9148: 1: printf: usage: printf format [arg …]

OK, the cause is on the fist line and a presumption that Ubuntu/Mint is enough Debian for this to work.

Install with a Debian work find, not with Mint.