Monitoring Guide Using Grafana Charts

I monitored SingleStore DB using the Grafana docker.
I referred to the description of the chart in the docs(link below),
but I found that the number of charts in some dashboards differs from the number of charts introduced in the docs.
[Configure Monitoring · SingleStore Documentation](Guide: Configure Monitoring)
I wonder if there is an updated guide to the chart with a more detailed explanation than the link above.

And the question about the chart is as below.

  1. Information_Schema View - Information_schema Processlist
  • There are two graphs in the chart, and the item has the same name as value.
    What is the difference between the two?
  • Why is the value a negative number?
  1. Information Schema View - MemSQLTable Statistics
  • What does the [memsql_info_schema_table_statistics_ordinals_*] mean?
  1. Node Metrics Breakout - Filesystem
  • Is it the total FS usage of the host equipment or the amount of FS that DB is using?
  1. Node Metrics Breakout - Network Rate
  • Why is the value a negative number?
  1. Node Metrics Breakout - CPU Utilization
  • The ratio of the axes written on the left side of the chart and the value of the actual graph are different.
    Is it the ratio of each item when the sum of usage is 100 percent?
  1. Node Metrics Breakout - Memory Bytes

  • Why is the unit EB?


Thank you for bringing these to our attention. I’ve opened an investigation with our developers and will let you know what they say.

PLAT-5582, DOCS-2513