Native ddl extraction tool on memsql

can some one from memsql dev team please advise which native tool we can use to generate DDLs for all tables, views, procs and pipelines etc on memsql reliably. we need this for change control etc.

as memsql is not 100% compatible with mysql, i doubt mysqldump --no-data would work 100% right on memsql.

i prefer such tool to be command line based.

thanks a lot in advance.

i have talked to memsql support. the tools offered by support has 2 issues;

  1. memsql-report doesn’t collect view DDLs properly, this could be a bug on memsql side or i am not using the right cmdline param (memsql-report collect-local --only schema)

  2. mysqldump is great on mysql, but it doesn’t collect memsql pipeline DDLs. and even view DDLs are generated but it is a one-line code all the time, not really useful for version control purpose.

i could be missing sth here, and thank you for your help in advance.

What do you mean memsql-report doesn’t collect view DDLs properly? What happens? Do you have a small repro?

We opened an internal task to make memsql-report script out view definitions with full information about them. Can’t give you any timeline right now, but we’re tracking it.

thank you hanson for the update. i did spoke with dafna yesterday and there is an pm-1227 to track this.