Order by and group by on result of UNION

Hi! In SQL reference of MemSQL 5.5 it’s written that MemSQL does not support ORDER BY and GROUP BY on the result of a UNION. I.e. “(SELECT * FROM table_a UNION ALL SELECT * FROM table_b) GROUP BY x” is nto supported. However for 5.7 and upwords there is no more such warning. Question - does new MemSQL versions support order/group rules on UNION results? If yes - is there any special syntax, because I somehow cant get it to work. If it’s still not supported, why this note was removed from the docs?

To ORDER BY the result of a UNION or UNION ALL, first do the UNION/UNION ALL in a subquery. Then ORDER BY in the outer query, e.g.:

memsql> select r.a from (
    ->   select a from t
    ->   union
    ->   select a from s) as r
    -> order by r.a desc;
| a    |
|    3 |
|    2 |
|    1 |

Similarly, you could use a common table expression for this and then ORDER by in the final query.

memsql> with r(a) as (select a from t union select a from s) 
                select a from r order by a desc;
| a    |
|    3 |
|    2 |
|    1 |