Pipeline with transform (python) error with hashlib

I have a problem with pipeline with transform (s2 v 8.1.5 | python 3.10.12).
In transformation I use hashlib and code like this:
int(hashlib.sha256('some_text'.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), 16) % (10 ** 18)

When I try to test pipeline got an error:
ERROR 1953 ER_TRANSFORM_NONZERO_EXIT_VALUE: Leaf Error (localhost:3306): Leaf Error ( Transform for pipeline exited with nonzero exit code. No stderr returned.

It was a pipeline migration from (s2 v 7.1.3 | python 3.5) and worked perfect.

I tried to execute the code with sha256 generation in python interpreter inside VM and got a result without errors.

hashlib imported in pipeline without errors (try to write in text field output from dir(hashlib.algorithms_available) also w/o errors and got a result of func output.

Is any expectations about problem localization?