Querying JSON data from Kafka pipeline

We have injested JSON data from a Kafka pipeline into a single column of the Singlestore table. How to achieve the following query given a sample/subset schema as follows -
Let me try to depict my scenario with a subset of columns.

The JSON object we have is nested at 4 levels something like this -

|-- kafkatimestamp: string (nullable = true)

|-- action: string (nullable = true)

|-- actiondatetime: string (nullable = true)

|-- mainid: string (nullable = true)

|-- shopid: string (nullable = true)

|-- radioid: string (nullable = true)

|-- workload: struct (nullable = true)

| |-- settings: array (nullable = true)

| | | |-- deviceid: string (nullable = true)

| | | |-- devicename: string (nullable = true)

| | | |-- devicetype: string (nullable = true)

| | | |-- autodownload: string (nullable = true)

| | | |-- caid: string (nullable = true)

| | | |-- channelid: string (nullable = true)

Within the records with the action equal to “my bookmarks”, we want to scan the “settings” array. Within this settings array, we want to collect the “channelid” when the “changetype” is equal to “insert” or “remove”.

Welcome to the SingleStore forum!

See Example 4 here:

It might give you ideas about how to do what you want.

Also see this:

and refer to " Working with Nested Arrays in a JSON Column" plus “Accessing Fields in a JSON Objectd”.

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