Restrict license units on deploy

Hello SingleStore,

I just bought a big bare-metal server to host multiple processes alongside a SingleStore Cluster-in-a-box.

During installation, I get this error:

Leaf node could not be added because you are using the SingleStore free license which has a limit of 4 license units and after adding the node you would be using 6 license units.

How to restrict the deployment to just 4 units please, like 16 CPUs max? So the server resources won’t be fully taken by SingleStore?


PS: I can’t get a smaller machine, I signed for a long term contract…

The license check looks at all the RAM on the machine to enforce the limit. I don’t know of a specific way to do it but there may be virtualization technologies that can make it appear that a container running on the machine has less physical memory. Then you can run SingleStoreDB inside the container.

The purpose of bare-metal is to get rid of virtualization actually… thanks for taking time to answer me anyway.

Quick question: how to solve this issue regarding the Docker image please?

Trying to pull repository Package singlestoredb-dev · GitHub
Pulling repository Package singlestoredb-dev · GitHub
Error: image singlestore-labs/singlestoredb-dev:latest not found

Thanks for your help

Hi @pierre !

I think you can use cgroups to try to limit the RAM for your process if you can’t run it in a Docker container. This should allow you to work around the license restrictions.

As for why the pull isn’t working, that’s because singlestoredb-dev:latest is not on GitHub, but rather on GHCR. You need to do:

docker pull

Disabling the hyperthreading in the Bios of the bare-metal server fixed the issue.
Thanks for your help!