Singlestore - Stored Proc/Function call from Tableau

Is it possible to invoke a Singlestore Stored Proc or Singlestore Function from Tableau which will internally run a query and return results?

For any hand-written SQL you write that Tableau sends to the DBMS, you could call a TVF or reference a view from a SELECT statement.

If it’s just a query, why not just send that from Tableau? Do you want the SP or function to have side effects or do something else special?

You could also run a query inside an external function and return the results back to the calling SQL statement. The query run in a separate transaction, of course.

Can I call an external function from tableau like a normal query?

select ext_function_test();

And inside the external function,

  1. call some REST service which will return only one String
  2. And then use this string to execute a query
    select AES_decrypt(column1, <result_from_REST_CALL>), col2, col3, … from <TABLE_NAME>;

Yes, that should work.