Status and source of .net entity framework support

During the announcement of v8 couple of months ago there was a slide with a reference to .net entity framework support.

I could not find anything untill I found - by accident - this nuget package

However, the link to the project website / github is broken. It seems that the repo is or wrong or is private.

Are there any plans to make this available, or at least give some insights on whats supported (for example, are json queries supported). Thanks.

I am not very familiar with this area, so I referred your question to the product manager who covers it. Thanks for passing on the information about the broken link.

I did get this summary from our documentation (from an internal chatbot we’re testing).

To use the .NET Entity Framework with SingleStoreDB, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have installed the required dependencies1. You will need the latest 6.0.x version of .NET Core.
  2. Install the MySql.Data and MySql.Data.Entity packages from NuGet, as they work with SingleStoreDB, which is compatible with the MySQL binary protocol2.
  3. Depending on your setup, use an appropriate connection string for SingleStore Cloud3 or SingleStore Self-Managed4, and modify it with your specific settings (server, port, user ID, password, and database).

Here’s a simplified example of how to set up a connection using Entity Framework:


using System.Data.Entity;
using MySql.Data.Entity;

public class MyDbContext : DbContext
    public MyDbContext() : base("Server=localhost;port=3306;User ID=s2user;Password=tK_,mh&Hq-EnN;Database=dbtest")
        // your constructor logic here

    public DbSet<YourModel> YourModels { get; set; }

Replace YourModel with the name of the model class you have defined.

Finally, you can follow the tutorials and examples provided by the SingleStoreDB documentation to perform CRUD operations and read operation examples563.

Please note that this answer assumes you are using Entity Framework Core, which is the latest edition. If you are using Entity Framework (not Core) on the .NET Framework, the process should still be similar, but you may need to modify the example code and references accordingly.


Net Entity Framework for SingleStore
anybody know SingleStore works Entity Framework?

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Thanks @hanson for the reply and the forward; the internal documentation still refers to the older way. In the meantime there is a specific core library for .net and I presume that this new library is used under the hood in the new NuGet Gallery | EntityFrameworkCore.SingleStore 6.0.2-beta package. But because the GitHub link is not available ( I cannot check the status of the implementation.
So it would be nice if I could talk to the product manager or dev who is responsible for the implementation. Thanks!

The NuGet link you discovered is in fact our Entity Framework support. Thank you for highlighting the docs issue.

We have rectified it and the docs on this are now live. Please see the docs here:

JSON query is not supported at this time. We will look to add support for this in the coming quarters.

Please let us know how you go with using it.
Thank you