Studio Container Image?

Is there any info about a container image for Studio? Last I saw was a comment from two years ago indicating it was on the roadmap, and seeing a couple of unofficial docker images on the Hub. Just wondering if there’s anything supported out there, or if that’s still on the way?

Hi SteveClementJax! :wave: Welcome aboard!

Thanks for your question. I’ll consult with the team to see if there is an update and share any info here soon. Thanks, in advance, for your patience.

Hi SteveClementJax!

Unfortunately, there is not an official SingleStoreDB Studio container in our Docker Hub.

However you can follow our SingleStoreDB Studio Installation Docs to get Studio running via popular package managers on Debian & Red Hat-based Linux distributions.

Hope this redirect is helpful. Please let us know which you decided to choose and how it goes. Cheers! :dizzy: