UPDATE query failure with 'Invalid JSON value' error on unrelated column

Hello community,

I’ve been successfully running the following UPDATE query in SingleStore for months:

UPDATE app_events e
JOIN users u USING(user_id)
SET e.server_id = u.server_id
  AND e.event_timestamp >= u.install_date
  AND (e.server_old IS NULL OR e.server_old = "");

But recently, I encountered the following error:

SQL Error [1844] [HY000]: Leaf Error (memsql-02.thehost.local:3307): Invalid JSON value for column 'score_data'

What’s puzzling is that the column mentioned in the error (‘score_data’) is not related to the query I’m executing. Then today I tried the query again and it throws the same error, but with another column not related to the query. What might be relevant is that both columns that have appeared in the error are computed from another column, with a definition like this:

`score_data` as raw_json::body::$score_data PERSISTED JSON COLLATE utf8_bin

I would appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. Thank you!

SingleStore version: 7.3.12

thank you for sharing this…

Does server_id have any unusual characters like an unescaped quote or double quote?