While calling procedure getting empty output but data is present in the table ....Can u help on this syntax logic where did i given mistake in the query and variable is not taking in the select query.I am pasting the output and the procedure info

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get123(callType varchar(20) , typeName varchar(30) , timeInterval int(11) NULL, inDate date NULL, site_id varchar(100) ) RETURNS void AS DECLARE
msgType varchar(10) = ‘’;
timeInt int = 1800;
selectInterval varchar(200) = ‘’;
orderBy varchar(50) = ‘hour(time)’;
msgTypeFailure varchar(4) = ‘’;
countSelection varchar(200) = ‘’;
site_id_ varchar (100) = ‘all’;

if(site_id is null or site_id=‘ALL’)
set @site_id_ = ‘all’;
set @site_id_ = “‘site_id’”;
end if;

if(timeInterval != 3600 and timeInterval != 1800 and timeInterval != 900)
timeInt = 3600;
echo select timeInt;
set @timeInt = “‘timeInterval’”;
echo select timeInt;
end if;

if (typeName=‘SRISM_INCOMING’)
set @msgType = ‘14,15’;
set @msgTypeFailure = ‘14’;
set @countSelection = ’ sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE in (14,15) then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=15 then COUNT else 0 end) succ ';

elseif (typeName=‘SRISM_OUTGOING’)
set @msgType = ‘15’;
set @msgTypeFailure = ‘15’;
set @countSelection = ’ sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=15 then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ERROR_CODE=255 then COUNT else 0 end) succ ';

elseif (typeName=‘FWDSM_INCOMING’)
set @msgType = ‘16,17’;
set @msgTypeFailure = ‘16’;
set @countSelection = 'sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE in (16,17) then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=17 then COUNT else 0 end) succ ';

elseif (typeName=‘FWDSM_OUTGOING’)
msgType = ‘17’;
msgTypeFailure = ‘17’;
countSelection = ’ sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=17 then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ERROR_CODE=255 then COUNT else 0 end) succ ';

end if;
ECHO select countSelection;

if(timeInt = 3600)
set @selectInterval = " CONCAT(CAST(hour(time) AS CHAR(2)),’:00’) as selIntr ";

elseif(timeInt = 1800) then
selectInterval = " CONCAT(CAST(hour(TIME) AS CHAR(2)), ‘:’,(CASE WHEN MINUTE(TIME) < 30 THEN ‘00’ ELSE ‘30’ END)) as selIntr ";

elseif(timeInt = 900) then
set @selectInterval = " CONCAT(CAST(hour(TIME) AS CHAR(2)), ‘:’, ( CASE WHEN MINUTE(TIME) < 15 THEN ‘00’ when MINUTE(TIME) <30 then ‘15’ when MINUTE(TIME) <45 then ‘30’ when MINUTE(TIME)> 45 then ‘45’ end)) as selIntr ";

end if;
echo select selectInterval;

if(callType = ‘RATE’)
if(inDate = curdate())
ECHO select A.selIntr,A.tot,A.succ ,(A.succ/A.tot)*100 succ_per from (select selectInterval,countSelection from SMS_FIREWALL_SUMMARY where ORIG_MSG_TYPE in (msgType) and (time>(now()-interval 24 hour)) and SITE_ID like (case when(strcmp(‘ALL’,site_id_)) then site_id_ else ‘%’ END) group by selIntr order by hour(time) asc)A ;
ECHO select “‘A.selIntr’”,"‘A.tot’","‘A.succ’",("‘A.succ’"/"‘A.tot’")*100 succ_per from (select selectInterval,countSelection from SMS_FIREWALL_SUMMARY where ORIG_MSG_TYPE in (msgType) and (date=inDate) and SITE_ID like (case when(strcmp(‘ALL’,site_id_)) then site_id_ else ‘%’ END) group by “‘selIntr’” order by hour(time) asc) A;
end if;
if(inDate = curdate())
ECHO select ERROR_CODE,sum(COUNT) count from SMS_FIREWALL_SUMMARY_TEST where ORIG_MSG_TYPE=msgTypeFailure and time > (now() - interval 23 hour) and ERROR_CODE!=255 and SITE_ID like (case when(strcmp(‘ALL’,site_id_)) then site_id_ else ‘%’ END)
group by ERROR_CODE order by count desc ;
ECHO select ERROR_CODE,sum(COUNT) count from SMS_FIREWALL_SUMMARY_TEST where ORIG_MSG_TYPE=msgTypeFailure and time > (now() - interval 23 hour) and ERROR_CODE!=255 and SITE_ID like (case when(strcmp(‘ALL’,site_id_)) then site_id_ else ‘%’ END)
group by ERROR_CODE order by count desc;

end if;
end if;


singlestore> CALL get123(‘RATE’,‘FWDSM_OUTGOING’, 3600,‘2022-10-13’,‘ALL’);
| timeInt |
| 1800 |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

| countSelection |
| sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=17 then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ERROR_CODE=255 then COUNT else 0 end) succ |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

| msgType |
| 17 |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

| selectInterval |
| CONCAT(CAST(hour(TIME) AS CHAR(2)), ‘:’,(CASE WHEN MINUTE(TIME) < 30 THEN ‘00’ ELSE ‘30’ END)) as selIntr |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

| ‘A.selIntr’ | ‘A.tot’ | ‘A.succ’ | succ_per |
| ‘A.selIntr’ | ‘A.tot’ | ‘A.succ’ | NULL |
1 row in set (0.24 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.24 sec)

Thanks In advance

I’d recommend taking the big queries and the end, replacing the variables with literals, then get them running. Then add echo select’s to your code to print out the variables before you get to the queries, to make sure they are what you expect.

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| countSelection |
| sum(case when ORIG_MSG_TYPE=17 then COUNT else 0 end) tot,sum(case when ERROR_CODE=255 then COUNT else 0 end) succ |
1 row in set (0.18 sec)

This alias names are not coming into the echo query and its showing empty result for this calling in main query.how to pass the column alias name in the query if u observer my procedure …
Please help me to get this its bit urgent…


Hi Nani can you give us

  • The schema of your tables
  • A few rows with INSERT VALUES so we can get some data
  • The latest stored procedure

Then we can try to reproduce

is going to fail if you put it in a larger query and try to execute it with dynamic SQL. You can’t use an identifier “COUNT” as a value to be returned from the CASE expression. That is not legal syntax. And if you meant “COUNT” to be a variable name, that won’t work in dynamic SQL either – dynamic SQL can’t refer to variables or parameters from the enclosing stored procedure.

If you want variable values to be injected into your dynamic SQL, create a string that contains the values themselves, not the names of the variables.