try-single-store-freeTry SingleStore Free

The world's only real-time data platform for powering intelligent applications.

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    Free forever

    Build your prototype, side-project or startup on SingleStore's generous free tier.

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    Start building in minutes

    Spin up a managed database and start building with a few clicks. We take care of everything.

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    We can do it all

    Transactions, analytics, search and more. No need for complex data infrastructure — SingleStore does it all in one platform.

Sign up to experience the speed, scale and simplicity of SingleStore.


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try-single-store-freeTry SingleStore Free

The world's only real-time data platform for powering intelligent applications.

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    Free forever

    Build your prototype, side-project or startup on SingleStore's generous free tier.

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    Start building in minutes

    Spin up a managed database and start building with a few clicks. We take care of everything.

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    We can do it all

    Transactions, analytics, search and more. No need for complex data infrastructure — SingleStore does it all in one platform.

Sign up to experience the speed, scale and simplicity of SingleStore.