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Low-latency performance, multi-model queries and more are just a few clicks away.
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Your free trial includes $600 in credits so you can start building your applications, your way.
I saw these extraordinary companies being built through utilization of the efficiency of technology. And I thought, ‘it would be very interesting to try and build a philanthropic initiative to solve this problem using all the things we’ve learned through scaling software companies.
Ashton Kutcher
Co-Founder, Thorn, on Forbes podcast with Raj Verma, CEO, SingleStore

Try SingleStoreDB Cloud Free:
Low-latency performance, multi-model queries and more are just a few clicks away.
Get $600 in free credits
Your free trial includes $600 in credits so you can start building your applications, your way.
I saw these extraordinary companies being built through utilization of the efficiency of technology. And I thought, ‘it would be very interesting to try and build a philanthropic initiative to solve this problem using all the things we’ve learned through scaling software companies.
Ashton Kutcher
Co-Founder, Thorn, on Forbes podcast with Raj Verma, CEO, SingleStore