GPT Workshop

Build a ChatGPT App on Your Own Data

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Madhukar Kumar - Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore
Arnaud Comet - Product Management Director, SingleStore
Rakesh Puttaswamy - Sr. Solutions Architect, SingleStore
Mike Nguyen - Enterprise Solutions Engineer, SingleStore

Build a ChatGPT App on Your Own Data


We believe that the next iteration of ChatGPT will be the ability to use it against data that is not publicly available (internal docs, wikis, code, meeting notes, etc). SingleStore is the ideal database for this given its abilities to store vector data, perform semantic searches and pull data from various sources without extensive ETL.

Join Madhukar Kumar (CMO, SingleStore) and Arnaud Comet (Product Management Director, SingleStore) for an exclusive event on July 13th, where you'll learn to build a ChatGPT App on your own data using SingleStoreDB. This event is perfect for developers, data engineers, and anyone interested in building intelligent chatbot applications.

Discussion Topicsdiscussion-topics

  • How to build a ChatGPT App using your own data on SingleStoreDB (we will go through Javascript and SQL examples).
  • Discover SingleStore’s native support for efficient vector functions to power Generative AI with simple SQL queries.
  • Learn practical techniques and approaches for building intelligent chatbot applications.
  • Explore the power of SingleStoreDB's scalable, distributed architecture and OpenAI's machine learning models for ChatGPT.

Featured Speakersfeatured-speakers

Madhukar Kumar - Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore
Madhukar Kumar
Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore
Arnaud Comet - Product Management Director, SingleStore
Arnaud Comet
Product Management Director, SingleStore
Rakesh Puttaswamy - Sr. Solutions Architect, SingleStore
Rakesh Puttaswamy
Sr. Solutions Architect, SingleStore
Mike Nguyen - Enterprise Solutions Engineer, SingleStore
Mike Nguyen
Enterprise Solutions Engineer, SingleStore

Event Details

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60 minutes
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SingleStoreDB is The Real-Time Distributed SQL Database, designed for data-intensive applications.single-store-db-is-the-real-time-distributed-sql-database-designed-for-data-intensive-applications

The cloud-native operational database built for speed and scale


Accelerate business with instant insights delivered by the world’s fastest database for operational analytics


Create your future on a platform made for the demands of the data revolution, including machine learning and AI


Transform on your terms - with the familiarity and efficiency of SQL, and an architecture that bursts through limits