Weekly Webinar

Getting Started on SingleStoreDB

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Sarung Tripathi - Director of Solutions Engineering, SingleStore

Getting Started on SingleStoreDB


Join us every Friday at 12pm ET for our "Weekly Getting Started on SingleStoreDB" webinar. Learn from the experts at SingleStore as Sarung Tripathi, Director of Solutions Engineering, walks you through a demo of how to get started on SingleStoreDB and analyze location, purchase, and request history from millions of simulated subscribers for a hypothetical service company. You will learn how to leverage real-time analytics to drive improved customer experience and revenues. SingleStoreDB product experts will be available during the webinar to answer your questions interactively during the session, and during the Audience Q&A in the last 10 minutes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from the experts at SingleStore and kickstart your journey to real-time analytics. Register now and join us every Friday at 12pm ET.

Discussion Topicsdiscussion-topics

  • A demo of how to get started on SingleStoreDB
  • Which version of SingleStore is right for you? (Free Tier, Cloud DBaaS, etc)
  • How to supercharge your database and achieve real-time analytics in data-intensive applications.

Featured Speakersfeatured-speakers

Sarung Tripathi - Director of Solutions Engineering, SingleStore
Sarung Tripathi
Director of Solutions Engineering, SingleStore

Event Details

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Date & Time
Every Friday at 9am PT / 12pm ET
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30 minutes
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SingleStoreDB is The Real-Time Distributed SQL Database, designed for data-intensive applications.single-store-db-is-the-real-time-distributed-sql-database-designed-for-data-intensive-applications

The cloud-native operational database built for speed and scale


Accelerate business with instant insights delivered by the world’s fastest database for operational analytics


Create your future on a platform made for the demands of the data revolution, including machine learning and AI


Transform on your terms - with the familiarity and efficiency of SQL, and an architecture that bursts through limits