
Kafka Workshop: Real-Time Analytics on Looker

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Aishwarya Srinivasan - Data Scientist at Google Cloud, Top LinkedIn Voice on Data & AI, Google Cloud
Akmal Chaudhri - Senior Technical Evangelist, SingleStore

Kafka Workshop: Real-Time Analytics on Looker


During this workshop, Google Data Scientist Aishwarya Srinivasan will kick things off with a brief discussion about the importance of real-time streaming data to modern applications today. Following that high-level conversation, then SingleStore’s senior technical resource Akmal Chaudhri will take participants deeper with the development of a hands-on workshop on the development of a real-time omnichannel customer behavior dashboard using Kafka streaming data and Google Looker.

Discussion Topicsdiscussion-topics

  • Industry trends regarding blazing-fast streaming data with various tech use cases
  • How to build a real-time analytics dashboard based on mock customer streaming data
  • Generating predictive signals from multiple disparate data sources (digital clicks, app activity)
  • Using SingleStoreDB on GCP with Kafka and Google Looker

Featured Speakersfeatured-speakers

Aishwarya Srinivasan - Data Scientist at Google Cloud, Top LinkedIn Voice on Data & AI, Google Cloud
Aishwarya Srinivasan
Data Scientist at Google Cloud, Top LinkedIn Voice on Data & AI, Google Cloud
Akmal Chaudhri - Senior Technical Evangelist, SingleStore
Akmal Chaudhri
Senior Technical Evangelist, SingleStore

Event Details

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60 minutes
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