
Translytical Platforms, Use Cases & Trends, Featuring Forrester and Data-Sleek

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Noel Yuhanna - Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester
Franck Leveneur - CEO, Data-Sleek and long-time Singlestore evangelist and expert user
Madhukar Kumar - Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore

Translytical Platforms, Use Cases & Trends, Featuring Forrester and Data-Sleek


What does real time mean to you? Is it the speed at which you’re able to access information through your organization’s BI tools? Or how quickly your dashboards reflect up-to-the-minute insights? Even in the last year, the notions and expectations around real-time experiences have drastically shifted — with more users expecting analytical applications to function like never before. 

But ‘real time’ doesn’t happen through sheer will. It’s the outcome of a foundation designed to power these types of use cases — one that relies on a unified, all-in-one data architecture: a translytical database. 

According to the Forrester report, The Forrester Wave™: Translytical Data Platforms, Q4 2022, “Translytical platforms are next-generation data platforms that are built on a single database engine to support multiple data types and data models. They are designed to support transactional, operational, and analytical workloads without sacrificing data integrity, performance, and analytics scale.”

Unifying transactions and analytics is increasingly gaining traction in the market and is powering use cases never before possible. Fraudulent payments are caught within milliseconds. Streaming services  deliver “watch next” recommendations instantly. And rideshare drivers quickly connect with riders.  

Join us on February 22 at 2:00pm Eastern for an interactive SingleStore Webinar with guest speaker Noel Yuhanna, Vice President and Principal Analyst at Forrester, to hear more about translytical platforms, key use cases, and the market outlook for translytical platforms.

You can also hear from Madhukar Kumar, Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore, and Franck Leveneur, CEO at Data-Sleek and long-time Singlestore evangelist and expert user, about how SingleStore is on the cutting edge of innovation in the Translytical space and is helping power some of the most compelling use cases today.

Discussion Topicsdiscussion-topics

  • Translytical data platforms, trends, killer use cases, and what the future holds
  • Criteria and methodology from the recent report, The Forrester Wave™: Translytical Data Platforms, Q4 2022
  • From SingleStore: How SingleStore has been recognized as a 'Strong Performer' in The Forrester Wave™: Translytical Data Platforms, Q4 2022, and how SingleStore customers such as Akamai, Comcast, Dell Technologies, GE, Imperva, Skai, and many others, have gained competitive advantages by deploying Translytical in their technology stack with SingleStore

Featured Speakersfeatured-speakers

Noel Yuhanna - Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester
Noel Yuhanna
Vice President and Principal Analyst, Forrester
Franck Leveneur - CEO, Data-Sleek and long-time Singlestore evangelist and expert user
Franck Leveneur
CEO, Data-Sleek and long-time Singlestore evangelist and expert user
Madhukar Kumar - Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore
Madhukar Kumar
Chief Marketing Officer, SingleStore

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