SingleStoreDB 8.0 Release Candidate Available!

We’re proud to announce the 8.0 release candidate (RC) of SingleStoreDB! We invite you to evaluate it in a test environment and would welcome any feedback. You may post your questions or feedback here on Forums or email us at pm [AT]


  • This RC is available on-premises (on-prem) only. The general availability (GA) release for SingleStoreDB 8.0 will be available for both cloud and on-prem at a later date.
  • The 8.0 RC is intended for development and testing and not for production use. Existing clusters may be upgraded to this build, but appropriate caution is advised.

There are dozens of improvements in this release. Just a few highlights include:

  • Fast seeking for JSON columns on universal storage tables (over 100x improvement in some cases)
  • Nearly 170% OLTP performance improvement on universal storage tables, measured on internal TPC-C tests
  • Recursive Common Table Expressions (RCTEs) – the most-requested SQL feature in the history of SingleStore. RCTEs enable graph and tree expansions in a single SQL statement.
  • Code Engine: Powered by Wasm, supporting high-level language extensibility in C, C++, Rust, and other languages. Now available for on-prem users for the first time
  • Enhanced segment elimination for filters on date & time expressions (e.g. date_trunc)

Refer to the release notes in the 8.0 RC documentation for a full list of improvements.

How to access the 8.0 RC

Option 1: install it with sdb-deploy install or sdb-deploy cluster-in-a-box using

--version dev:4bc9923d-b974-48ad-ae2a-74c1e2326a05

Option 2: for those who prefer to download installation packages rather than use sdb-deploy to fetch the new version, the 8.0 RC packages are here:

(This post was updated with reference to a new build on 11/30/2022. The latest version number is 8.0.3. A significant regression in distributed join performance has been fixed in this new version.)


Very cool!
I did hear that recursive CTEs will also be supported in 8.0 but I am seeing this in the release notes. Has this feature been postponed?
Also I would be super interested in learning whether it is going to be possible to replicate a database that uses bottomless-storage.
Cheers! Christoph

@christoph recursive CTEs is not quite ready but we’re planning to include it in the 8.0 GA release.

Disaster recovery for bottomless database is in our future for our Cloud service. That’s a top priority and we are working hard on it. I can’t give you dates yet. For on-prem, DR should be done with REPLICATE DATABASE, without using Bottomless; that works today.

these are excellent news @hanson!
recursive CTEs will allow us to run graph like queries directly in SingleStore!
I am also delighted to hear that DR for on-prem singlestores that use bottomless storage is on the roadmap!

That’s great that you are looking forward to recursive CTEs! However, to be clear, DR with bottomless for on-prem is not planned. If you want DR on-prem, you need to use REPLICATE DATABASE and not use bottomless.

Really great to see the 8.0 release. I was told in slack that it would support arm architecture. Will a binary for Apple M1 be available as an RC or will it be available when released?


The M1 Mac support will be in compatibility mode with x64, like we support today for 7.8. I think you could install that, log on to the linux prompt inside the docker container, and upgrade that build to --version version-number for this 8.0 RC but I haven’t tried it. When we deliver 8.0 GA, you’ll be able to use M1 Macs just like you can today with 7.8. Here’s @arnaud 's blog on it:

The problem with compatibility mode with x64. Is that when I had it running, the M1 pro become very hot and fans were spinning like crazy. I quickly pulled back and not only deleted the x64 image, but singlestore compatibility with it as well.

Sadly, if 8.0 won’t be able to run under M1 natively. It will be a real shame.

Hello Paul, the first implementation was done thanks to an emulator and it has a performance impact. We are looking to test and leverage the new virtualization extensions that has been enabled in the latest OSX and if that work it will help be able to run under hardware virtualization which will be faster. We will test that possibility and come back to you in the next couple of weeks.

Hello Paul and everyone on the forum. We have implemented a better image configuration that should enable less resource usage on your MAC M1. Here is the repo that you should use: GitHub - singlestore-labs/singlestoredb-dev-image: The SingleStoreDB Dev Container is the fastest way to develop with SingleStore on your laptop or in a CI/CD environment.

We refreshed the 8.0 RC today, to version 8.0.2. See the original note, which has been edited to have the new version ID. Recursive CTEs are now supported.

We refreshed the 8.0 RC again, to 8.0.3, fixing a distributed join performance regression. The original post has been updated with the new version number.

We just released the GA build for 8.0, which is version 8.0.4! It is fully supported for production use, on our managed service and for self-hosted use. Try it today!

Release notes are here.