
20x to 100x Faster
Analytics Through Data Warehouse Augmentation

20x to 100x Faster Analytics Through Data Warehouse Augmentation

What You'll Learn in This eBookwhat-youll-learn-in-this-e-book

In this eBook, you will learn how you can dramatically increase data warehouse performance and accelerate time-to-insights by enhancing your data ingestion capabilities, increasing query speed, and providing exceptional concurrency for all types of analytic activities—often at only one-third the cost of running legacy infrastructure.

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See What's Possible

See how you can achieve 100x faster analytics and performance while driving significant cost reductions.

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The Best of Both Worlds

Get the exceptionally fast transaction and lookup performance of an operational database, together with the scalable analytics of a datawarehouse.

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Real World Evidence

See three case studies from customers who get real-time data visibility, blazingly fast analytics, and dependable fast dashboards.

Get This Free eBook Todayget-this-free-e-book-today

Learn how you can simplify your data architecture, accelerate yourtime-to-insights and save money.

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SingleStoreDB is The Real-Time Distributed SQL Database, designed for data-intensive applications.single-store-db-is-the-real-time-distributed-sql-database-designed-for-data-intensive-applications

The cloud-native operational database built for speed and scale


Accelerate business with instant insights delivered by the world’s fastest database for operational analytics


Create your future on a platform made for the demands of the data revolution, including machine learning and AI


Transform on your terms - with the familiarity and efficiency of SQL, and an architecture that bursts through limits