
Achieving Successful Operation of AI & ML Driven Applications

The Future Starts Now - Achieving Successful Operation of AI and ML Driven Applications

What You'll Learn in This eBookwhat-youll-learn-in-this-e-book

AI and Machine Learning technologies are hungry for data. Operating on live data can offer the best results but often latency introduced by data infrastructure is a challenge. This ebook helps you understand how to successfully deliver model-driven applications with the speed and scale needed for modern business. By applying models to real-time event streams and historical data, a broader set of signals can be identified and detected for providing improved situational awareness and better business outcomes.

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AI and ML Applications
Learn more about today’s AI and Machine Learning applications.
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Challenges in Delivering Real-Time AI/ML Applications

Explore the key challenges in operationalizing AI/ML applications and learn how to make your data’s intelligence work for you.

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Operationalizing AI/ML Applications with SingleStore
Learn how to transform your business by operationalizing AI/ML applications with SingleStore.
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Customer Reference Architectures
See how our customers are leveraging SingleStore for various AI/ML use cases such as facial recognition, real-time fraud detection, and preventive maintenance.
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Choosing the Right AI/ML Database
Learn how to choose the right database for operationalizing AI-based applications in general and machine learning models in particular.

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Learn how to successfully deliver model-driven applications with the speed and scale needed for modern business.

The Future Starts Now - Achieving Successful Operation of AI and ML Driven Applications

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