
Solve common problems in a few minutes with end-to-end applications using SingleStoreDB.

Mongo Atlas & SingleStore Kai

Run your MongoDB queries on SingleStore Kai with no code change.


Backup Database to AWS S3

Performs backup either single or multiple databases to AWS S3.


How to Build a Multi-Agent AI App with AutoGen

Learn how to build a multi-agent group chat with RAG using Autogen and SingleStore


Ingest data from MONGODB® to SingleStore using SQL commands

Setup CDC Replication from MongoDB® to SingleStore using SQL commands.


Ingest data from Confluent Cloud (Kafka)

A step-by-step guide on seamlessly ingesting data from Confluent Cloud (Kafka) into your SingleStoreDB database using a robust pipeline.


Evaluating LLMs with Uptrain

Using Uptrain to evaluate LLMs built with SingleStore as the contextual store. This notebook uses OpenAI embedding models and Langchain as a development framework.


Getting Started with DataFrames in SingleStoreDB

Data in SingleStoreDB can be queried and modified using a familiar DataFrame syntax in addition to SQL.


Getting Started with Fusion SQL

Fusion SQL allows you to manage your SingleStoreDB Cloud resources such as workspace groups, workspaces, and Stage files all from SQL.


Getting Started With CDC Replication from MongoDB

Setup Zero ETL data replication from MongoDB to SingleStore


Getting Started with Notebooks

SingleStore Notebooks with an AI Copilot (SQrL) for data prototyping, visualization and analysis.


How to Build LLM Apps that can See Hear Speak

Using OpenAI to build an app that can take images, audio, and text data to generate output


Hybrid Full-text and Vector Search

Example of similarity search over vector data and a hybrid search that combines full-text search with an indexed vector search.


Hybrid Search

Hybrid search combines keyword search with semantic search, aiming to provide more accurate results.


Image Matching with SQL

Facial recognition using dot_product function on vectors stored in SingleStoreDB.


Ask questions of your PDFs with Unstructured

Ask questions of your unstructured PDFs. In this notebook, ingests pdfs accurately, then Open AI is used to create embeddings, the vector data is stored in SingleStore and finally ask questions of your PDF data


Inserting embeddings from multiple models into SingleStore Using External Functions

Discover the power of SingleStoreDB's external functions to dynamically fetch and store vector embeddings from leading AI models into your database. This demo highlights leveraging SingleStore's robust vector data type and external functions for efficient management and analysis of machine learning embeddings.


Integrating pandas with SingleStoreDB

Moving data to and from pandas DataFrames is demonstrated using the SingleStoreDB Python library, SQLAlchemy, and Ibis.


Automatically warm up your disk after resuming workspace

Runs through the queries to bring data residing in object storage onto disk for a specified database.


Launch Open-Source Apps with LangChain

LangChain connector to use SingleStoreDB as your vector database for your apps.


Load JSON files with Pipeline from S3

This notebook will help you load JSON files from a public open AWS S3 bucket.


Load files from S3 into Shared Tier

This notebook guides you through data ingestion of CSV files from an AWS S3 location into your shared tier workspace.


Managing Stage files with Fusion SQL

Learn how to manage your Stage files in SingleStoreDB Cloud using Fusion SQL.


Movie Recommendation

Movie recommendation engine using vectors stored in SingleStore to find your next watch.


IT Threat Detection, Part 1

Part 1 or Real-time threat Detection - This notebook demonstrates the application of SingleStoreDB's similarity search to create a system for identifying infrequent occurrences, a common requirement in fields such as cybersecurity and fraud detection where only a small percentage of events are potentially malicious.


IT Threat Detection, Part 2

Part 2 or Real-time threat Detection - Validate the accuracy of the threat detection model with a test dataset


IT Threat Detection, Part 3

Part 3 of Real-time threat Detection - Integrate with Kafka, run and visualize Threat Detection on incoming logs. This notebook requires adjustments to work out of the box.


SingleStoreDB Notebook Basics

Foundational guide to notebooks with essential tips and tricks.


Learn how to Optimize Performance with TPCH 100

This notebook will help you understand how you can take advantage of SingleStoreDB distributed capability using TPCH-100.


Database Performance Troubleshoot Notebook

This notebook will help you perform database performance troubleshoot


Kafka Pipelines and Query Tuning

Create a SingleStore pipeline to track the International Space Station and adjust queries & schema to optimize performance.


Retrieval Augmented Question & Answering with Amazon Bedrock

Infuse domain-specific knowledge from SingleStoreDB into generative AI models on Amazon Bedrock to showcase Question & Answering using RAG (retrieval-agumented generation) to improve the quality of responses.


Real-Time Anomaly Detection

Real-time anomaly detection in IoT sensor data, harnessing the robust capabilities of SingleStoreDB and advanced analytical techniques.


Real Time Recommendation Engine

We demonstrate how to build and host a real-time recommendation engine for free with SingleStore. The notebook also leverages our new SingleStore Job Service to ensure that the latest data is ingested and used in providing recommendations.


Restore Database from AWS S3

This notebook will help you perform database restore from AWS S3.


Resume Evaluator with Vector Index

Resume Evaluator using vectors stored in SingleStore to find sutiable resume for your job description, with Indexed ANN search.


Resume Evaluator

Resume Evaluator using vectors stored in SingleStore to find sutiable resume for your job description.


Searching all of Wikipedia

Simulate searching through 10 million paragraphs in Wikipedia for information about video games, and generate answers using RAG!


Semantic Search with Hugging Face Models and Datasets

Use Hugging Face to create embeddings and run semantic search using dot product in SingleStoreDB.


Semantic Search with OpenAI Embedding Creation

Generate embeddings and run semantic search in your database in SQL.


Semantic Search with OpenAI QA

Provide context to chatGPT using data stored in SingleStoreDB.


Semantic Visualization and Vector Datatype

SingleStoreDB leverages vector database processing to enable storage and search of vector data, allowing for semantic similarity-based searches to find content based on meaning rather than exact matches, such as locating related words like "happy" and "joyful."


Similarity Search on Vector Data

Example of similarity searches over vector data.


SingleStore April Challenge: Haiku ASCII

SingleStore is hosting a challenge inviting participants to craft a unique Haiku or create captivating ASCII art using SingleStore Notebooks. The most creative masterpiece wins a set of Meta RayBan Smart sunglasses and a $500 AWS gift card!"


Unified Data Analysis: SQL & NoSQL on a Single Database with Kai

Perform both SQL and NoSQL queries on multi-modal relational and JSON data


A Deep Dive Into Vector Databases

Using SingleStoreDB as a vector database and vector database use cases.


Working with Vector Data

This example demonstrates the various ways to upload and download vector data from SingleStoreDB using Python.
