This is a guest post by Mansour Raad of Esri. We were fortunate to catch up with him at Strata+Hadoop World San Jose.
This post is replicated from Mansour’s Thunderhead Explorer blog
ArcGIS, Spark & SingleStore Integration
Just got back from the fantastic Strata + Hadoop 2017 conference where the topics ranged from BigData, Spark to lots of AI/ML and not so much on Hadoop explicitly, at least not in the sessions that I attended. I think that is why the conference is renamed Strata + Data from now on as there is more to Hadoop in BigData.
While strolling the exhibition hall, I walked into the booth of our friends at SingleStore and got a BIG hug from Gary. We reminisced about our co-presentations at various conferences regarding the integration of ArcGIS and SingleStore as they natively support geospatial types.
This post is a refresher on the integration with a “modern” twist, where we are using the Spark Connector to ETL geo spatial data into SingleStore in a Docker container. To view the bulk loaded data, ArcGIS Pro is extended with an ArcPy toolbox to query SingleStore, aggregate and view the result set of features on a map.<

Like usual, all the source code can be found here
SingleStore Reference links
If you are interested in learning more about SingleStore and Geospatial functions, please visit the Geospatial Guide of our documentation.
Get The SingleStore Spark Connector Guide
The 79 page guide covers how to design, build, and deploy Spark applications using the SingleStore Spark Connector. Inside, you will find code samples to help you get started and performance recommendations for your production-ready Apache Spark and SingleStore implementations.
Download Here
You can try SingleStore for free here