Backup Database to AWS S3
Introducing a powerful Python notebook designed to simplify performing database backups on schedule
What you will learn in this notebook:
How to backup database to AWS S3 [SQL]
What benefits do you get out of using the notebook.
This notebook explains how we use SingleStore secrets feature to provide the configuration parameters we can control backup process (either full or incremental) in scheduled environment
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We will need below parameters to proceed.
To access AWS S3, we need AWS Access key ID,AWS Secret access key, Aws Session Token
Database User should have 'BACKUP', 'OUTBOUND', 'PROCESS' grant
S3 Path provided should not exist [ bucket should exists, remaining path will be created if not existing for initial backup]
check user grants by running 'show grants'.
S3 Path if not exists, will be created by singlestore.
General format is 'database_name.backup'.
AWS IAM user should have S3 read, write access
In [1]:
import ioimport loggingimport timeimport getpassimport singlestoredb as s2from IPython.display import display, HTML
In [2]:
aws_key_id = Noneaws_secret_key = Noneaws_region = 'us-east-1's3_target_path = Noneaws_session_token = Noneis_incremental_backup = 'N'
Functions to display various alerts
In [3]:
def show_warn(warn_msg):"""Display a warning message in a formatted HTML alert box.Parameters----------warn_msg : strThe warning message to display."""display(HTML(f'''<div class="alert alert-block alert-warning"><b class="fa fa-solid fa-exclamation-circle"></b><div><p><b>Action Required</b></p><p>{warn_msg}</p></div></div>'''))def show_error(error_msg):"""Display an error message in a formatted HTML alert box.Parameters----------error_msg : strThe error message to display."""display(HTML(f'''<div class="alert alert-block alert-danger"><b class="fa fa-solid fa-exclamation-triangle"></b><div><p><b>Error</b></p><p>{error_msg}</p></div></div>'''))def show_success(success_msg):"""Display a success message in a formatted HTML alert box.Parameters----------success_msg : strThe success message to display."""display(HTML(f'''<div class="alert alert-block alert-success"><b class="fa fa-solid fa-check-circle"></b><div><p><b>Success</b></p><p>{success_msg}</p></div></div>'''))
To enable logs
Modify 'enable_debug_log(False)' to 'enable_debug_log(True)' in code below
In [4]:
def enable_debug_log(enabled):if enabled:logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)else:logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR)
Utility functions for handling S3 PATHs, SQL Statement, backup
In [5]:
def get_bkp_path(s3_path, db_name, do_increment):"""Get the backup path based on the type of backup (incremental or initial).Parameters----------s3_path : strThe base S3 path for backups.db_name : strThe name of the database.do_increment: str'Y' for incremental backup, else Full BackupReturns-------strThe final backup path."""if do_increment == 'Y''Is an incremental backup, will use exact path')return'Is an initial backup, will use time appended path')t = time.localtime(time.time())my_path = f'{s3_path}/{db_name}/{t.tm_year}-{t.tm_mon:02d}-{t.tm_mday:02d}/{t.tm_hour:02d}{t.tm_min:02d}{t.tm_sec:02d}/''Backup Path : {my_path}')print(f'Backup Path : {my_path}')return my_pathdef get_sql_statement(db_name_to_bkp, is_incremental_backup):"""Get the SQL statement for backing up a database.Parameters----------db_name_to_bkp : strThe name of the database to backup.is_incremental_backup : stris incremental backup.Returns-------strThe SQL statement for backup."""global aws_key_id, aws_secret_key, aws_region, s3_target_path, aws_session_tokenaws_key_id = (input('Enter AWS_API_KEY_ID:') if aws_key_id == None else aws_key_id)aws_secret_key = (getpass.getpass('Enter AWS_API_SECRET:') if aws_secret_key == None else aws_secret_key)aws_region = (input('Enter AWS_REGION:') if aws_region == None else aws_region)s3_target_path = (input('Enter AWS S3 Path:') if s3_target_path == None else s3_target_path)aws_session_token = (input('Enter AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:') if aws_session_token == None else aws_session_token)data = io.StringIO()data.write('BACKUP DATABASE ' + db_name_to_bkp + ' ')if is_incremental_backup == 'Y':data.write(' WITH DIFFERENTIAL ')else:data.write(' WITH INIT ')data.write(' TO S3 "' + get_bkp_path(s3_target_path, db_name_to_bkp, is_incremental_backup) + '" ')data.write(' CONFIG \'{"region":"' + aws_region + '"}\'')data.write(' CREDENTIALS \'{"aws_access_key_id":"' + aws_key_id+ '","aws_secret_access_key":"' + aws_secret_key + '"' )if aws_session_token != '':data.write(', "aws_session_token":"' + aws_session_token + '" ')data.write('}\' ')logging.debug(f'statement: {data.getvalue()}')return data.getvalue()def perform_backup(my_cursor, curr_db_name, do_incremental):"""Perform a database backup.Parameters----------my_cursor : cursorThe database cursor.curr_db_name : strThe name of the database to backup.do_incremental: str'Y' to perform incremental backup"""logging.debug(f'backing up db {curr_db_name}')my_cursor.execute(get_sql_statement(curr_db_name, do_incremental))results = cursor.fetchall()if results is None:logging.error('Backup execution failed')"Backup completed")
In [6]:
enable_debug_log(True)print(connection_url)try:if connection_url.endswith('/') or connection_url.endswith('information_schema'):#Hanlde case when database not selected or information_schema selected#Connect to information schema and backup all databaseslogging.debug('No database selected, will use information_schema and back up all databases')my_db_url = connection_urlif connection_url.endswith('/'):my_db_url = my_db_url + 'information_schema'logging.debug(f'connection url updated {my_db_url}')conn = s2.connect(my_db_url, results_type='dict')with conn.cursor() as cursor:# Get a list of databases to backupcursor.execute("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name NOT IN ( 'cluster', 'memsql', 'information_schema' );")for row in cursor.fetchall():logging.debug(f"processing db {row['schema_name']}")# Backup each databaseperform_backup(my_cursor=cursor, curr_db_name=row['schema_name'], do_incremental='N')logging.debug(f"processing db {row['schema_name']} complete")else:#Connect to selected database and take its backupdatabase_to_bkp = connection_url.split('/')[-1]# Establish a connection to the databaseconn = s2.connect(results_type='dict')with conn.cursor() as cursor:perform_backup(my_cursor=cursor, curr_db_name=database_to_bkp, do_incremental=is_incremental_backup)show_success('Backup Process Completed')except s2.exceptions.OperationalError as ope:# Handle specific operational errorsif 'NoSuchBucket' in ope.errmsg:logging.error('Provided S3 Bucket does not exist. Please check.')show_error('Provided S3 Bucket does not exist. Please check.')elif 'Access denied' in ope.errmsg:logging.error('Failed to backup due to missing grants or firewall settings. Please check.')show_error('Failed to backup due to missing grants or firewall settings. Please check.')else:logging.error(f'Failed. Error message: {ope.errmsg}')show_error(f'Failed to backup. {ope.errmsg}')except s2.Error as e:# Handle any other errorsprint(f'Encountered exception {e}')logging.exception(e)show_error(f'Failed to backup. {str(e)}')print('\n\nScript execution completed')
Verify Result
If script executed without errors. please check the S3 bucket for uploaded files ( Backup Path is printed to console )
General format is 'database_name.backup' or 'database_name.incr_backup'.
You may use below query to check backups created ( apply filter to limit data as per your needs )
select * from information_schema.MV_BACKUP_HISTORY
Important Note
To use this as scheduled notebook, we have to modify to read configuration data from table instead of user input
About this Template
Performs backup either single or multiple databases to AWS S3.
This Notebook can be run in Standard and Enterprise deployments.
This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.