IT Threat Detection, Part 2
This tutorial is meant for Standard & Premium Workspaces. You can't run this with a Free Starter Workspace due to restrictions on Storage. Create a Workspace using +group in the left nav & select Standard for this notebook. Gallery notebooks tagged with "Starter" are suitable to run on a Free Starter Workspace
Install Dependencies
In [1]:
!pip3 install tensorflow keras==2.15.0 scikit-learn --quiet
In [2]:
import osos.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'import pandas as pdimport tensorflow.keras.backend as Kfrom collections import Counterfrom sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_scorefrom sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrixfrom tensorflow import kerasfrom tensorflow.keras.models import Model
We'll define a Python context manager called clear_memory()
using the contextlib module. This context manager will be used to clear memory by running Python's garbage collector (gc.collect()
) after a block of code is executed.
In [3]:
import contextlibimport gc@contextlib.contextmanagerdef clear_memory():try:yieldfinally:gc.collect()
Load Model
In [4]:
with clear_memory():model = keras.models.load_model('it_threat_model')model.summary()
In [5]:
with clear_memory():# Select the first layerlayer_name = 'dense'intermediate_layer_model = Model(inputs = model.input,outputs = model.get_layer(layer_name).output)
Data Preparation
We'll use the second file we downloaded earlier for testing purposes.
Review Data
In [6]:
with clear_memory():data = pd.read_csv('Thursday-22-02-2018_TrafficForML_CICFlowMeter.csv')data.Label.value_counts()
Clean Data
We'll run a cleanup script from the previously downloaded GitHub repo.
In [7]:
!python DeepLearning-IDS/ "Thursday-22-02-2018_TrafficForML_CICFlowMeter.csv" "result22022018"
We'll now review the cleaned data from the previous step.
In [8]:
with clear_memory():data_22_cleaned = pd.read_csv('result22022018.csv')data_22_cleaned.head()
In [9]:
We'll create a sample that encompasses all the distinct types of web attacks observed on this particular date.
In [10]:
with clear_memory():data_sample = data_22_cleaned[-2000:]data_sample.Label.value_counts()
Get Connection Details
Action Required
Select the database from the drop-down menu at the top of this notebook. It updates the connection_url which is used by SQLAlchemy to make connections to the selected database.
In [11]:
from sqlalchemy import *db_connection = create_engine(connection_url)
Next, we'll perform queries on the test dataset and store the predicted and expected results, enabling us to construct a confusion matrix.
In [12]:
from tqdm import tqdmimport numpy as npy_true = []y_pred = []BATCH_SIZE = 100for i in tqdm(range(0, len(data_sample), BATCH_SIZE)):test_data = data_sample.iloc[i:i+BATCH_SIZE, :]# Create vector embedding using the modeltest_vector = intermediate_layer_model.predict(K.constant(test_data.iloc[:, :-1]))query_results = []for xq in test_vector.tolist():# SQL query here, make sure it returns 'id' columnquery_res = %sql SELECT id, EUCLIDEAN_DISTANCE(Model_Results, JSON_ARRAY_PACK('{{xq}}')) AS score FROM model_results WHERE score IS NOT NULL ORDER BY score ASC LIMIT 50;query_results.append(pd.DataFrame(query_res))for label, res in zip(test_data.Label.values, query_results):if 'id' not in res.columns:print("Column 'id' not found in res.")continueif label == 'Benign':y_true.append(0)else:y_true.append(1)ids_to_count = [id.split('_')[0] for id in res['id']]counter = Counter(ids_to_count)# print(counter)if counter.get('Bru') or counter.get('SQL'):y_pred.append(1)else:y_pred.append(0)
Visualize Results
Confusion Matrix
In [13]:
import plotly.graph_objs as go# Calculate the confusion matrixconf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)# Create a DataFrame from the confusion matrixconf_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(conf_matrix,columns = ['Benign', 'Attack'],index = ['Benign', 'Attack'])# Create an empty list to store annotationsannotations = []# Define a threshold for text colorthresh = conf_matrix_df.values.max() / 2# Loop through the confusion matrix and add annotations with text color based on the thresholdfor i in range(len(conf_matrix_df)):for j in range(len(conf_matrix_df)):value = conf_matrix_df.iloc[i, j]text_color = "white" if value > thresh else "black"annotations.append(go.layout.Annotation(x = j,y = i,text = str(value),font = dict(color = text_color),showarrow = False,))# Create a heatmap trace with showscale set to Falsetrace = go.Heatmap(z = conf_matrix_df.values,x = ['Benign', 'Attack'],y = ['Benign', 'Attack'],colorscale = 'Reds',showscale = False)# Create the figure with heatmap and annotationsfig = go.Figure(data = [trace],layout = {"title": "Confusion Matrix","xaxis": {"title": "Predicted", "scaleanchor": "y", "scaleratio": 1},"yaxis": {"title": "Actual"},"annotations": annotations,"height": 400,"width": 400})
In [14]:
# Create confusion matrixconf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)# Define class labelsclass_labels = ['Benign', 'Attack']# Print confusion matrix with labelsprint("Confusion Matrix:")for i in range(len(class_labels)):for j in range(len(class_labels)):print(f"{class_labels[i]} (Actual) -> {class_labels[j]} (Predicted): {conf_matrix[i][j]}")
In [15]:
# Calculate accuracyacc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, normalize = True, sample_weight = None)precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred)recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred)print(f"Accuracy: {acc:.3f}")print(f"Precision: {precision:.3f}")print(f"Recall: {recall:.3f}")
Per Class Accuracy
In [16]:
# Calculate per class accuracycmd = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, normalize = "true").diagonal()per_class_accuracy_df = pd.DataFrame([(index, round(value,4)) for index, value in zip(['Benign', 'Attack'], cmd)], columns = ['type', 'accuracy'])per_class_accuracy_df = per_class_accuracy_df.round(2)display(per_class_accuracy_df)
Predict Values Directly from Model
We achieved excellent results with SingleStoreDB. Now, let's explore what happens when we bypass the similarity search step and make predictions directly from the model. In other words, we'll utilize the model responsible for generating the embeddings as a classifier. We can then compare the accuracy of this approach with that of the similarity search method.
In [17]:
from tensorflow.keras.utils import normalizeimport numpy as npdata_sample = normalize(data_22_cleaned.iloc[:, :-1])[-2000:]y_pred_model = model.predict(normalize(data_sample)).flatten()y_pred_model = np.round(y_pred_model)
Visualize Results
Confusion Matrix
In [18]:
# Create confusion matrixconf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_model)# Create a DataFrame from the confusion matrixconf_matrix_df = pd.DataFrame(conf_matrix,columns = ['Benign', 'Attack'],index = ['Benign', 'Attack'])# Create an empty list to store annotationsannotations = []# Define a threshold for text colorthresh = conf_matrix_df.values.max() / 2# Loop through the confusion matrix and add annotations with text color based on the thresholdfor i in range(len(conf_matrix_df)):for j in range(len(conf_matrix_df)):value = conf_matrix_df.iloc[i, j]text_color = "white" if value > thresh else "black"annotations.append(go.layout.Annotation(x = j,y = i,text = str(value),font = dict(color=text_color),showarrow = False,))# Create a heatmap trace with showscale set to Falsetrace = go.Heatmap(z = conf_matrix_df.values,x = ['Benign', 'Attack'],y = ['Benign', 'Attack'],colorscale = 'Reds',showscale = False)# Create the figure with heatmap and annotationsfig = go.Figure(data = [trace],layout = {"title": "Confusion Matrix","xaxis": {"title": "Predicted", "scaleanchor": "y", "scaleratio": 1},"yaxis": {"title": "Actual"},"annotations": annotations,"height": 400,"width": 400})
In [19]:
# Create confusion matrixconf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_model)# Define class labelsclass_labels = ['Benign', 'Attack']# Print confusion matrix with labelsprint("Confusion Matrix:")for i in range(len(class_labels)):for j in range(len(class_labels)):print(f"{class_labels[i]} (Actual) -> {class_labels[j]} (Predicted): {conf_matrix[i][j]}")
In [20]:
# Calculate accuracyacc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred_model, normalize = True, sample_weight = None)precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred_model)recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred_model)print(f"Accuracy: {acc:.3f}")print(f"Precision: {precision:.3f}")print(f"Recall: {recall:.3f}")
Per Class Accuracy
In [21]:
# Calculate per class accuracycmd = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_model, normalize = "true").diagonal()per_class_accuracy_df = pd.DataFrame([(index, round(value,4)) for index, value in zip(['Benign', 'Attack'], cmd)], columns = ['type', 'accuracy'])per_class_accuracy_df = per_class_accuracy_df.round(2)display(per_class_accuracy_df)
Utilizing SingleStoreDB's vector embeddings, we achieved an extremely high detection rate for attacks while maintaining a very small false-positive rate. Furthermore, our example showed that our similarity search methodology surpassed the direct classification approach that relies on the classifier's embedding model.
About this Template
Part 2 or Real-time threat Detection - Validate the accuracy of the threat detection model with a test dataset
This Notebook can be run in Standard and Enterprise deployments.
This Notebook has been released under the Apache 2.0 open source license.