in Product

SingleStore’s New 7.5 Product - The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts



SingleStore’s New 7.5 Product - The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts

It’s not easy to port the energy of a glitzy, in-person extravaganza over to Zoom, but SingleStore managed to pull it off on June 23 with “Igniting Innovation – A Watershed Moment In The Database Industry,” a fast-paced, star-spangled announcement event that wowed audiences ranging from developers to business executives. In this two-part post we focus on both ends of the audience spectrum, first with the highlights of SingleStore CEO Raj Verma‘s presentation, and in a second blog that covers the great live demo of SingleStore and WASM by Bailey Hayes, Principal Software Engineer.

what-did-single-store-announceWhat did SingleStore announce?

First, let’s hit the highlights of the product announcement. SingleStore unveiled the world’s only hybrid multi-cloud, unified analytical and transactional database—the only database in the industry that addresses both analytical and transactional workloads for today’s multi-cloud world. It’s a watershed moment because, since the 1970s, databases have been architected to offer either-or functionality, never both together.

With this announcement SingleStore creates a new database category that will define the future of how businesses can ingest, consume, analyze and transact with data at a massive scale. Breaking this down, key highlights of SingleStore 7.5 include:

  • Separation of storage and compute, which is available in data warehouses but has never before been available in a unified database that supports both transactional and analytical workloads
  • Point-in-time recovery (PITR) which enables system-of-record capability. Customers can now operate their SingleStore databases with the comfort that they can go back in time to any specific point and restore any data lost from user error or failure.
  • Universal storage with multicolumn key support, so customers no longer need separate operational and analytical systems, and developers don’t have to dedicate valuable time to extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) to a data warehouse to perform analytics. A unified platform also makes queries run faster, decreases complexity, and provides a better price/performance ratio.

single-stores-ceo-nails-itSingleStore’s CEO nails it

In conversation with author and futurist Bernard Marr, Raj put the product announcement highlights into sharp perspective. “There is a new kind of struggle that enterprises are having—” he kicked off with, “—database sprawl. Most CIOs tell me they have 30, 40, 50 databases. How can you have a meaningful data strategy with 50 databases?” Raj asked rhetorically.

“I am excited today because SingleStore is unshackling the enterprise complexity of data architecture,” he boldly said. “We have a no compromise database where you do not need 40 of them to be effective with your data strategy.

“The whole is greater than the sum of the parts,” Raj said. “With the separation of storage and compute, when you marry that with the limitless point-in-time recovery feature we just announced,” companies can nearly instantaneously access data from any point in collection history, a critical capability in myriad industries, from finance to pharmaceuticals. The SingleStore CEO explained, “Most companies have six months to a year, but with the separation of storage and compute, that timeframe is limitless. There isn’t another company [besides SingleStore] that does that.”

life-just-got-easier-for-developersLife just got easier for developers

“Let’s go a little further in unshackling enterprises from the complexity of the database sprawl,” Raj continued. “We have just announced our patented Universal Storage. If you’re an application developer, it means that you do not have to worry about which data model goes where. The system will allow and determine that on your behalf.”

For example, he said, “if it’s an analytic workload it goes to the column store. If it's an application, it’s the row store. If it’s full text search, wherever that data model needs to go, it will go. As a developer, all you need to do is solve your enterprise’s problem. That’s super-exciting!”

the-end-of-vendor-lock-inThe end of vendor lock-in

Raj wrapped up his talk with some big-picture perspective. “We also have the modern way of doing databases,” he said, then taking a jab at the towers of Emerald City. “What’s the number-one lock-in database company? They made billions of dollars by locking you in, and further locking you in by putting your ERP on their cloud. That’s not modern! We offer credit-based pricing—consume what you need. When you’re not using it, you pause it, when you want to use it again you resume. That is how databases will be consumed going forward.”

With these truly revolutionary economics, Raj’s closing statement rang true: “SingleStore 7.5 is the advent of the third generation of databases: a no compromise, low complexity database that gives the power to the user, not to the vendors.”

If you haven’t seen the Igniting Innovation event webinar, you can replay it now. For more news about SingleStore 7.5, visit our Media Hub. And, to keep up with how SingleStore is unlocking value for enterprises in a wide range of data-intensive industries, follow us on Twitter @SingleStoreDevs
