Performance improvement over Azure SQL

Decrease in total cost of ownership (TCO)

dailyVest empowers 401(k) plan sponsors, financial services firms, and plan participants with a white-label tool that integrates customized content and big data analytics within the sponsor or participant web portal. It surfaces key performance metrics for employer-sponsored retirement plans and calculates the personal rate of return for individual participants.



dailyVest expanded its platform’s capabilities by moving to the cloud but ran into performance and cost issues on Azure SQL as the transaction volume increased. It needed a new database solution that would: 

  • Speed up data ingestion and batch processing performance: Most of the data on dailyVest’s platform was processed at the beginning of the month. The Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) processes and batch data analysis took longer than the team wanted. 
  • Support a growing customer portfolio: The platform’s transactions were growing at a rate of 36 percent per year. The new database would need to scale with an ever-increasing data volume to allow dailyVest to grow its customer base. 
  • Reduce costs: The platform’s operating costs grew at a substantial rate as it scaled up. The long-term recovery backup expenses were particularly high.


technology-requirementsTechnology Requirements

Gerry Morgan, Lead Developer, and the dailyVest team evaluated many cloud databases to find the best match for its fintech platform. The most important requirement was remaining on the Microsoft Azure cloud. dailyVest's customers, such as Charles Schwab, already approved this platform’s security, and moving away from Azure would result in a massive disruption to its business.

dailyVest also wanted a database that supported SQL and C#. The company’s developers were already familiar with these languages, and that support would reduce the code that needed to be rewritten following a migration. 

The database also needed to offer columnstore for better compression and read performance, along with supporting complex queries that generate large amounts of data. Getting all of these features in one database solution led dailyVest to SingleStore. 


why-single-storeWhy SingleStore

SingleStore’s unified database was designed for fast analytics and ultra-fast ingest. With support for billions of events per second, millions of real-time queries, and petabytes of data, dailyVest could easily scale to meet the demands of a growing customer base. 

dailyVest selected SingleStore Helios to spend less time administering the database, and more time analyzing 401(k) data.



This fully managed, on-demand, and elastic cloud database solution was simple to deploy and manage in Azure cloud. dailyVest didn’t even need to leave its current data center. While dailyVest had the in-house talent to manage its own databases, it saved one full-time employee equivalent and was able to better allocate its technical resources.

“SingleStore is consistently faster for us than Azure SQL. I was really blown away. I waited an hour for 12 months of cached financials with one plan to run in Azure SQL. Then I ran it in SingleStore and it was done in three minutes." Gerry Morgan, Lead Developer, dailyVest



Because of dailyVest, powered by SingleStore, plan participants are better able to make decisions for their financial future. This customized experience helps employees choose age-appropriate investments, learn more about retirement planning, and understand their personal rate of return. 

Switched Databases with Limited Disruption

By staying in the same cloud and data center, dailyVest customers faced little disruption from the underlying database change. Financial services firms are particularly security-minded due to the sensitive data they work with, so remaining in a trusted and approved environment was important. 

Improved Monthly KPI Generation 27%

Every month, dailyVest analyzes 16,200 employer-sponsored retirement plans and generates key performance metrics. The platform outputs these metrics onto webpage tiles as a convenient big data visualization. After moving to SingleStore Helios, completing the batch process dropped from 4 hours and 12 minutes to 3 hours and 5 minutes, a 26.6% improvement.  

Plan Sponsors Can Benchmark Performance Against Others

The health of an employer-sponsored retirement plan involves many factors, so it can be difficult for plan sponsors to know if they need to make changes for better performance and participation. dailyVest’s platform leverages data to allow plan sponsors, such as Boeing, to compare their plans against similar offerings.


Read this IDC report about how dailyVest gained ROI of 164% and a payback period of just 12.4 months with SingleStore: dailyVest Improves Productivity and Performance of Analytics Operations with SingleStore Helios

See what dailyVest said about the role SingleStore played in its its most recent annual results

dailyVest spoke with Technology Correspondent Lisa Martin, Host of theCUBE and Silicon Angle, about the substantial impact SingleStore has had on its business

Check out this blog post: How dailyVest Powers 401(k)s with SingleStore Self-Managed and Improves Application Performance by 30%

Watch this webinar: How dailyVest Drove 90% Performance Improvement on Azure with SingleStore

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