How to Deploy SingleStore on the Mesosphere DCOS

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Aug 17, 2015

How to Deploy SingleStore on the Mesosphere DCOS

The Mesosphere Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) is a distributed operating system designed to span all machines in a datacenter. It provides mechanisms for deploying applications across the entire system with a few simple commands.

SingleStore is a great fit for deployment on DCOS because of its distributed, memory-optimized design. For example, users can scale computation and storage capacity by simply adding nodes. SingleStore deploys across commodity hardware and cloud, giving users the flexibility to operate with existing infrastructure or build custom hardware solutions. SingleStore and DCOS can optimize and simplify your test and development projects, however it is not a supported configuration and is not recommended for production deployments.

In this blog post, we will illustrate an example of how to deploy SingleStore for your development or test environment on a cluster of DCOS-configured machines.

deploying-single-store-on-dcosDeploying SingleStore on DCOS

Users can quickly get started with DCOS by deploying a cluster on Amazon AWS. Mesosphere provides a Mesosphere DCOS template specifically for this purpose, which leverages the AWS CloudFormation infrastructure. Follow the steps on to set up DCOS on AWS.

Deploying SingleStore on DCOS is simple with the DCOS command line. Once you have deployed a DCOS cluster and installed the DCOS command-line interface (check out the Mesosphere documentation for more information on this step), simply run the following command on the DCOS command line:

$ dcos package install memsql

At that point, if you check the DCOS web interface, you should see the SingleStore service running:

If you click on the SingleStore link under “Services Health”, you’ll see the SingleStore Mesos UI, which allows you to start, monitor, and delete SingleStore clusters:

This dialog allows you to change the cluster size and node type, and choose the SingleStore Community Edition or provide a SingleStore Enterprise license key. An Enterprise license enables features like high availability to ensure your data remains safe in the event a node fails.

Once you have selected all of your cluster options, you can create your cluster and the SingleStore framework will provision it based on resources within the Mesos cluster. Once cluster creation is complete, the SingleStore connection string will be shown, and can connect directly to your cluster from within the Mesos cluster. If your Mesos machines have publicly-accessible IPs, you will be able to view them in the SingleStore Ops web interface.

SingleStore has always offered flexible deployments across physical machines, VMs, private clouds, public clouds, and Docker containers. We are excited to introduce Mesosphere DCOS as a new infrastructure platform for your SingleStore development or test deployment.

Install SingleStore today on the Mesosphere DCOS, or download the SingleStore standalone installer at For more information on the SingleStore partnership with Mesosphere, read our earlier blog post:

This week on August 20-21, the Apache Mesos community, from users to developers, gather to celebrate the widespread adoption of Mesos at MesosCon. The conference will feature two days of sessions on the Mesos core, an ecosystem developed around the project, related technologies, and hands-on workshops.
