Data Integration Service

Native CDC + ETL for SingleStore

dont-let-licensing-costs-or-clunky-tooling-slow-down-your-data-pipelinesDon’t let licensing costs or clunky tooling slow down your data pipelines. 

Your analytical applications demand high-performance data ingestion to deliver real-time analytics.

SingleStore includes a suite of services designed for seamless ETL/CDC between various sources/targets.

single-store-pipelinesSingleStore Pipelines

Parallelized data ingestion from S3, Kafka, HDFS and Iceberg tables

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Zero ETL
Frictionless snapshot data load and change data capture (CDC) from MySQL and MongoDB®. Other database sources are supported with third-party tooling.

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Reduce or eliminate ETL tooling and data processing costs.10x faster ETL --> 10x lower compute costs!

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low-latency-operational-engine-for-any-open-data-lakehouseLow-latency operational engine for any open data lakehouse

Ingest from Iceberg tables(Public Preview)
Zero ETL ingest from Iceberg tables without requiring additional ETL tools.

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External tables from Iceberg (Coming soon)
Enhanced SQL for external table from Iceberg. Same performance as SingleStore native tables.

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Data Sharing to Iceberg (Private Preview)
Egress SingleStore data to Iceberg lakehouse

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Some batches are running at around seven milliseconds. They're so unbelievably fast. SingleStore enables us to be thousands of times faster. Our platform can do everything we need it to in less than a second.

Michael Zimberg
Chief Technology Officer, Digital Asset Research

Digital Asset Research