Migrate From Rockset
to SingleStore

Say hello to your new real-time analytics database.

with-rocksets-acquisition-by-open-ai-many-rockset-customers-needed-to-offboard-their-applications-and-were-here-to-make-sure-your-rockset-migration-goes-smoothlyWith Rockset's acquisition by OpenAI, many Rockset customers needed to offboard their applications. And we're here to make sure your Rockset migration goes smoothly.

single-store-is-a-reliable-real-time-analytics-databases-for-intelligent-customer-facing-applications-and-if-youre-looking-for-a-rockset-alternative-that-delivers-even-better-performance-without-sacrificing-connectivity-unstructured-data-support-or-complex-low-latency-analytics-youve-come-to-the-right-placeSingleStore is a reliable real-time analytics databases for intelligent, customer-facing applications. And if you're looking for a Rockset alternative that delivers even better performance — without sacrificing connectivity, unstructured data support or complex, low-latency analytics — you've come to the right place.

single-store-as-a-rockset-alternativeSingleStore as a Rockset alternative

Real-time analytics

SingleStore Pipelines provide parallelized, high-throughput data ingestion from distributed data sources with immediate queryability of all your relational, JSON, time-series, key-value and geospatial data.

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Low-latency queries

SingleStore serves single-digit millisecond queries with SIMD vectorization and efficient, distributed JOINs

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Horizontal scalability

SingleStore horizontally scales concurrency, allowing your application to grow while delivering rich, interactive user experience.

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Hybrid search

SingleStore supports both ANN vector search and full-text search. Its powerful SQL interface enables using filters, aggregations and joins for true hybrid search.

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"To all organizations asked to transition off the Rockset (acquired by OpenAI) platform:

There has always been a tango for us innovators between risk/uncertainty and speed of innovation. It’s tough to always find the right balance. Rockset is an innovative technology, and its customers are inherently leading-edge innovators like yourselves.

Transitioning from an interesting, innovative technology to a sustainable business is always a hard road - tenacity and perseverance being the key ingredients in that journey. We at SingleStore are fortunate enough, through the support of our customer community, to be a sustainable business with some optimistic, audacious goals for the future - with our product always taking the microphone on our behalf.

To all the Rockset customers concerned about business continuity, I am publicly committing that we will take a contractual obligation of never asking you to have to transition off SingleStore in case of a change of control at SingleStore (strategic acquisition). This is predicated, of course, on us having the privilege of earning your trust and business. In addition, we will offer a fast and efficient transition.

I personally look forward to welcoming you to the happy family of SingleStore customers!"

Raj Verma

real-time-analytics-made-on-single-storeReal-time analytics, made on SingleStore

IEX Cloud

125k + users in 120+ countries

Consolidating MySQL, Redis + Clickhouse into SingleStore to speed financial data distribution by 15x.

GoGuardian Logo

$60,000 monthly savings

Migrating from AWS RDS and Apache Druid to SingleStore, empowering more than 18 million students and 50,000 educators in digital learning environments


300x query performance improvement

Accessing real-time data and 1-2 second ingest speeds with SingleStore after also evaluating PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch and Rockset.

Fathom Analytics

12,000x improvement in processing time

Improving performance, TCO and data export time after ditching DynamoDB, Redis + MySQL for SingleStore

how-to-migrate-from-rockset-to-single-storeHow to migrate from Rockset to SingleStore

No headaches, no hassle. No, really.

rockset-migration-guides-resourcesRockset migration guides + resources

Getting started with SingleStore has never been easier.

Migrating from Rockset to SingleStore

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Integrating DynamoDB + SingleStore

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Autoscaling in SingleStore Helios®

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Schema and pipeline inference for SingleStore

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Building Query Lambdas with SingleStore's TVF and Data API

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Building Query Lambdas With SingleStore's TVF and Data API, Part II

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How Adobe hit 300x faster query performance with SingleStore

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Rockset feature comparison matrix

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CDC Data From DynamoDB to SingleStore Using DynamoDB Streams

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