What’s New in SingleStoreDB 8.0

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Dec 13, 2022

What’s New in SingleStoreDB 8.0

We’re thrilled to announce the General Availability of SingleStoreDB release 8.0. Data is the lifeblood of a business. It pumps through all its vital organs — from revenue-generating applications to the analytics that steer the company.

Despite decades of progress in database systems, builders have so far had to compromise on at least  one of the following: speed, reliability and ease. They could get a document database that is fast and easy, but can’t be relied on for mission-critical transactional applications. Or they could rely on a cloud data warehouse that is easy to set up, but only allows lagging analytics.

Even then, each solution lacked something, forcing builders to deploy other databases for everything from text search and log analytics, to caching and location data. The result? More systems equals more costs, complexity and data integration.

With SingleStoreDB, our customers discover they don’t need to compromise.

"We are now all in on Singlestore Helios, which has allowed us to drop Redis, DynamoDB, and MySQL, saving us an absolute fortune in monthly costs while dramatically improving performance." Jack Ellis, Co-Founder, Fathom Analytics

Our latest innovations underscore our focus on outcomes that matter to customers including speed, reliability and ease.

  1. Speed: Semistructured data represents roughly half of all enterprise data today. SingleStoreDB is already ludicrously fast, delivering sub-second latency for structured and semi-structured data.
  2. Reliability: Applications built on top of SingleStoreDB aren’t just fast. Customers can rely on the  database to be highly available and resilient. They aren’t overburdened by data security, access or regulatory compliance — and with limitless scalability, they can continue to rely on applications as their companies grow.
  3. Ease: SingleStoreDB isn’t just a powerful translytical/ HTAP database (one that pioneered Universal Storage). It’s also a multi-model database that can replace several other databases (for specific use cases including text, geospatial, semistructured or JSON data, time series/ IoT, etc). This not only makes it easier to build with, but also means it delivers analytics that are more meaningful. A useful side effect is that data estates remain manageable and cost efficient.

We’re constantly looking back to customer outcomes, and working to fiercely advance our product along the following dimensions: cloud-native, real-time analytics, distributed SQL, developer experience and partner ecosystem.

key-new-features-for-real-time-applications-and-analyticsKey new features for real-time applications and analytics

1. Cloud-native: OAuth, easier compute scaling, lower TCO

OAuth: Most enterprises need some form of federated authentication to provide secure designated access across multiple applications. We’re extending our support for federated authentication today beyond SAML to OAuth, an open standard that’s very popular for connecting to modern applications (web/ mobile/ gaming/ IoT, etc.)

With suspend-and-resume compute, customers can instantly suspend workspaces (in the cloud) when not needed, and resume when workloads commence. This further reduces TCO of Singlestore Helios as compared to on-premise deployments.

We’ve added useful monitoring and observability capabilities that make it easier for customers to optimize database performance. Check out this short demo to see more.

2. Real-time analytics: JSON

SingleStoreDB excels at real-time analytics, and we’re finding ways to push the envelope even further. Seeking on columnstores speeds up queries by avoiding reading or uncompressing (columnar) data that’s not required for their execution.

With 8.0, seeking into Universal Storage columnstores is now supported for JSON. With this, we expect customers to realize up to 400x better throughput and response times when trying to find a few nuggets of JSON data in a column. This electrifies SingleStoreDB’s analytics for semi-structured data — bolstering our existing multi-model capabilities beyond structured (relational, geospatial, time series) and unstructured data (text). You can see it in action in this demo.

Stay tuned for more to come in 2023 in the semi-structured analytics space!

“Queries that would time out completely under ElasticSearch are now processing in less than 10 seconds with SingleStore.” Aviram Cohen, Executive Vice President, R&D, Armis Security

3. Distributed SQL: 2-3x performance gains for string encoded transactions

Previously, our row-level decoding didn’t support certain compressed data (LZ4 or RLE encodings). With this expanded support, we expect customers to get 2-3x performance gains for transactional workloads on such encoded data (compared to 7.9).

4. Developer Experience: Recursive CTEs and something for C/C++/ Rust, Python and Laravel developers

We want to meet developers where they are, and make their experience with SingleStoreDB as easy as using ChatGPT.

Recursive Common Table Expressions: While customers love SingleStoreDB’s multi-model capabilities, they often want to do more with hierarchical data like graphs or trees. So, we’ve added support for Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs). Recursive CTEs allow a CTE to reference itself, which makes writing queries on hierarchical data much simpler and reduces round trips between the application and database. Users can run graph data and tree expansions with a single SQL statement.

Hierarchical data — finding all employees in an organization

C/C++/ Rust development: Web Assembly, or Wasm, lets developers move application logic close to the data using SQL. It helps them avoid loading huge data sets into their app and makes it easy to port code libraries or routines (in Rust, C or C++, and soon other languages) into SingleStoreDB. This frees up developers to focus their energy on app logic, instead of writing query logic in the app tier. With SingleStoreDB 8.0, support for Wasm will be available to both cloud and self-managed deployments, broadening availability of this key feature to all customers.

Python/ Laravel development: Python and Laravel are some of the most popular tools used by developers to build modern, real-time applications. Our new Python client is up to 10x faster than PyMySQL and 2x faster than MySQLdb. Our plug-n-play Laravel driver allows web developers to accelerate PHP development with Laravel at hyperscale.

5. Partner Ecosystem

We are constantly expanding our partner ecosystem. With our new connector for IBM Cognos, customers can avoid unreliable MariaDB/MySQL connectors. This is in addition to other BI tool connectors into SingleStoreDB like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Google Looker, etc.

We’ve also recently launched SingleStore Connect, a cloud-based partner ecosystem showcasing the extensive network of SingleStore partners. SingleStore Connect already features AWS, IBM, Intel, Looker (Google Cloud), SAS and TIBCO, among many other strategic and preferred partners.

want-to-learn-more-about-whats-newWant to learn more about what’s new?
